Summer Peach Cake

Summer Peach Cake

Before I start writing about this amazing peach cake, I have to take a minute to comment on the fact that my blog has a new design! Lindsay from Purr Design (and Love and Olive Oil) not only did an amazing job giving my blog a fresh new look, but she switched me from blogger to wordpress too! (If you’re reading in a reader, or through email, click over to the blog to see the new design!) I absolutely love the way my blog looks now, and I’m trying to learn about wordpress as quickly as possible. I’ve still got some formatting things to take care of over the next week or so, but if you see anything that looks funny, let me know. And if you need a blog or website design – check out Purr Design – they do some awesome work!

Summer Peach Cake

Ok, back to the peach cake (the real reason you’re all reading this post). We absolutely loved this cake. It’s fresh, full of juicy peach flavor, and so pretty when it comes out of the oven. Because you roast the peaches first, there’s none of the sogginess that traditionally accompanies fresh fruit in baked goods. All that’s left is sturdy cake with a great texture and even better flavor. We ate this warm from the oven the first day, and heated in the microwave with some whipped cream the following day. I only wish there was more left to eat on the third day. 🙂  If you’ve got some fresh ripe peaches hanging out at your house, give this cake a try  – you’ll love it!

Summer Peach Cake

Summer Peach Cake


2 1/2 pounds peaches, pitted and cut into 1/2 inch-thick wedges

4 tsp lemon juice, divided
6 Tbsp plus 1/3 cup granulated sugar, divided
1 cup (5 ounces) all purpose flour
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
2 large eggs
8 Tbsp unsalted butter, melted and cooled
1/4 cup sour cream
1 1/2 tsp plus 1/8 tsp vanilla extract, divided
1/3 cup panko bread crumbs finely crushed


Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 425 degrees. Line rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray with vegetable oil spray. Place 24 peach wedges in a medium sized bowl and gently toss with 2 teaspoons lemon juice and 1 tablespoon granulated sugar; set aside. Cut remaining peach wedges crosswise into thirds and place in a large bowl. Gently toss with 2 teaspoons lemon juice and 2 tablespoons granulated sugar. Spread the peach chunks in single layer on prepared sheet and bake until juices begin to thicken and caramelize, 20 to 25 minutes. Transfer sheet to wire rack and let peaches cool to room temperature, about 30 minutes.

Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees and spray a 9-inch springform pan with vegetable oil spray. Whisk flour, baking powder, and salt together in bowl and set aside. Whisk brown sugar, 1/3 cup granulated sugar, and eggs together in a second bowl until thick and homogeneous, about 45 seconds. Slowly whisk in butter. Add sour cream, and 1 1/2 tsp vanilla, whisking until combined. Add flour mixture and whisk until just combined. Transfer half of batter to prepared pan. Use an offset spatula to spread batter evenly in the pan. Sprinkle crushed bread crumbs over the cooled peach chunks and gently toss to coat. Arrange peach chunks on batter in even layer, gently pressing peaches into batter. Gently spread remaining batter over peach chunks and smooth the top. Arrange reserved peach wedges, slightly overlapped, in ring over surface of cake. Stir together remaining 3 tablespoons granulated sugar and remaining 1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract in small bowl until sugar is moistened. Sprinkle sugar mixture evenly over top of cake. Bake until center of cake is set and toothpick inserted in center comes out clean, 50 to 60 minutes. Transfer pan to wire rack; cool 5 minutes. Run paring knife around sides of cake to loosen. Remove cake from pan and let cool completely, 2 to 3 hours. Cut into wedges and serve.

from Cook's Illustrated

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  1. The new site looks amazing!! Almost as amazing as that cake:-) Gorgeous photos, too!

  2. I agree with Lauren – looks great over here! 🙂 I’ve honestly never had peach in any kind of dessert… that I recall. It looks and sounds fantastic!

  3. This is stunning. Your new site is stunning! I love it! Your pictures look AMAZING.

  4. The new site looks SO good Megan! I absolutely love it 🙂

  5. Lindsay is amazing! This is truly a gorgeous site and cake. 🙂

  6. Site looks AWESOME 🙂
    And love this cake!

  7. L O V E the new look! The fonts are sweet!

  8. This cake looks just beautiful and I LOOOVE the new look!! I know you’ll have the hang of WP in NO time!!

  9. Great new site – looks wonderful! the cake sounds delicious! Great use of all the fresh peaches everywhere!

  10. That looks like moist, peachy goodness! I just received a huge bag of fresh peaches from my neighbor…serendipity I tell ya!

  11. Your cake looks fabulous and your new site even better. How fun to have an update.

  12. looks de-lish-us! My neighbor is going to be in peach heaven when I make this, but can you ball park me on how many cups of sliced peaches are you talking when you say 2.5 pounds? Thanks for the help :}

    • I actually am really bad at ballparking measurements, but I have 3 large peaches right now that I just weighed and they were about 1.3 pounds. So I would say 6 large peaches or 7 small peaches should do it. I don’t think it has to be exact. Good luck, I hope you like it!

  13. This looks delectable. Will definitely run out and buy peaches tomorrow!

  14. 🙂 Love it Megan. And, love the use of MI peaches too!

  15. Love the cake and the new look!

  16. Love the new look and this peach cake has me drooling! I just picked up some peaches today, this may be their destiny!

  17. Love the new look! And my mother in law just brought over some fresh peaches from their tree – this would be the perfect way to use them up!

  18. This is beauuttifull. Ive loved baking with fruit lately and this looks like it might well be the next project! 🙂

  19. Love, love, love the new design!

  20. I adore peach cake–this one looks incredible! Oh, love the new design, too–nice and simple, but beautiful.

  21. Do you think I could use a tart dish to make this in? I do not have a springform pan…

    • I’m guessing you could use a regular cake pan, just spray it really good to make it easy to get the cake out. I’m thinking it might overflow a tart pan, but I’m not sure. Let me know if you try it. 🙂

  22. Love the new look! Simple and elegant. (and it looks especially great with that lovely peach cake) 🙂

  23. Okay great – one more question – did you peel the peaches??? I plan to make this tonight!

  24. LOVE this peach cake and you new design 🙂 very pretty!

  25. Just beautiful. Both the cake and the new design!

  26. I made this right after it came out in Cook’s Illustrated, so good!!

  27. Hi! do you think I can make this with frozen peaches? This looks delicious and I don’t think I can wait until summer to make this! 🙂

    • Unfortunately I’m not sure about frozen peaches. It would be worth a shot – I’m just not sure of the outcome. If you try it, I hope you’ll let me know how it turned out.

  28. Its a perfect dish for summer i will try it thanks for share 🙂

  29. Hi.there are a.few that would like your help on.if you could do that for me and that is some things 
    that are good but fast for breakfast on a
    summer morning so can get start with dinner.for the late afternoon so what could you do for that as
    far in to a stawberry.and pineapple gourmet salad 
    with a meat like steak or chicken breast and some 
    bacon and good dressing for this salad then to go a
    long with this is a gourmet dessert you make this 
    choice for me this is all I will ask of you for now

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